Should You Exercise in a Fasted State?

"Tip number three is exercising in a fasting state versus exercising right after a meal," says Dr. Berg, citing "26 different studies that show that when you exercise in a fasting state, you'll burn more fat. So this is just compounding your results by adding another strategy that can speed things up for you. And as far As the type of exercise, I recommend doing a combination of higher intensity, but not more than twice a week because we don't wanna overtrain on the off days. You wanna do long walks," he says. 

RDN Says: "Exercising in a fasting state might burn more fat at the moment, but depending on how intense and how long your exercise is, you might want to have a snack (not a big meal) before you exercise, especially first thing in the morning. You are still going to burn calories and fat no matter what. I agree with varying your exercise to include some lower intensity longer sessions with some shorter higher intensity sessions."